Rabu, 14 September 2011

Veedid Desktop To-Do List

Veedid Desktop To-Do List

Veedid Desktop To-Do List

Code : 18692-2


Description : Veedid Desktop To-do List is an effective and convenient task management desktop tool for windows. It helps you capture all of the tasks you have to complete in one place, easily organize your actions and projects.

It is quick and easy to get started with Veedid Desktop To-do List . The intuitive interface makes adding, deleting and editing tasks comfortable. Great drag & drop support allows you to drag child-tasks from one task to another. The unique list view function displays detailed contents automatically when mouse hovers the task or child-task.

With Veedid Desktop To-do List , you won't feel overwhelmed by the amount of work. You won't face a constant barrage of looming deadlines. And you won't forget to do something important!


desktop, to-do list, to do list, todo list, task, management, manager, software, tool

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